25th Dec

Revelation 15 & 16                

In chapters 6, 8-9 and now 15-16, we are introduced to, respectively, 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls. It is common today, especially in America, to view the seals, trumpets and bowls in a successive or linear pattern – i.e. they each follow on from the previous one.

A more ancient – and in my opinion far more helpful – Christian view sees the various groups of 7 (Seals, Trumpets, Bowls) as simultaneous or ‘cyclical’ – each depicts in a different way either part or the whole of ‘This Present Age’ from Christ’s First Coming to his Second Coming.

This view does not rule out the very real likelihood that there will be an increase in the severity of God’s judgment in the very last days. Indeed, the Seals, Trumpets & Bowls suggest just such an escalation – compare the 2nd Trumpet’s effect on the sea (8:8) with that of the 2nd Bowl (16:3).

The value of this simultaneous or cyclical model is in providing a pattern which covers the whole of the middle section of Revelation (chapters 6 - 18). In this pattern, 4 themes are interwoven: -

  • God’s Activity (judgment & mercy)
  • Satan’s Activity (wrath & deception)
  • the fate of the earth (destruction)
  • the fate of God’s people (redemption)

In chs 6-18, John’s visions offer different viewpoints of the same events, characters & future, seen from various angles. We see God’s people variously as seen by God, Satan & the inhabitants of earth. We see the inhabitants of earth in their political, religious & economic alliances with Satan. We see Satan himself as he appears to the Church, to the inhabitants of earth and to God. These visions are not intended to fit a date & time sequence. John is not concerned to reveal an exact chronology of “earth’s last days” (as a recent series of novels claims!) but rather to provide a pattern by which to understand our calling as God’s people set against the backdrop of the reality of evil in the here and now and the certainty of Christ’s future Return to earth. John’s visions explain these realities in vivid form in order that we might show ‘patient endurance & faithfulness’ (13.10). In biblical prophecy, the future is only unveiled in order to transform the present.

As a general rule
  • the Seals, Trumpets & Bowls deal with God’s judgment / mercy & the fate of the earth
  • the insertions deal with Satan’s wrath / deception & the fate of God’s people

So it becomes possible to depict the pattern of Revelation 6 – 18 as follows

6:1–17 = Seals 1 to 6

7:1–8 = 144,000 sealed

7:9–17 = A great multitude   
8:1–5 = the 7th Seal

8:6–9:21 = Trumpets 1 to 6

10:1–11 = the angel & the little scroll

11:1–14 = the Two Witnesses
11:15–19 = the 7th Trumpet

12:1–13:1 = the woman & the dragon

13:2–18  = the two beasts

14:1–5 = the Lamb & the 144,000

14:6–13 = the 3 angels

14:14–20 = the harvest of the earth
15:1–8 = 7 angels with 7 Bowls

16:1–21 = Bowls 1 to 7          

17:1–18 = the woman on the beast

18:1–24 = the fall of Babylon

(member of the clergy)