22nd Dec

2 Chronicles 26     Zechariah 9     Revelation 13     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

See, your king comes to you – Zech 9:9

Do you sometimes wonder about why there is so much suffering and unhappiness in our society and in our personal lives, despite us living in a stable society, with peace and unprecedented prosperity?
I read about a group of persecuted Christians in China, who started their regular secret meetings by asking each other: “What were your wounds for Christ this week?” A visiting Western Christian answered: Oh, in the West Christians are not persecuted. The Chinese Christians responded with disbelief: Satan is not active in the West?
It is fascinating to think about possible identities of the two beasts in Rev 13. Whatever or whoever they are, it is clear that they are hostile and dangerous to Christians. The saints are therefore called to patient endurance and faithfulness (v10) and wisdom (v18). Today this is still highly relevant for persecuted Christians worldwide, but also for us, since our enemy, Satan, is always at work against us, prowling “around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Pe 5:8).
In Zechariah 9 we read more detailed prophecy about the Messiah being a gentle and humble Saviour, taking away and breaking weapons, proclaiming peace to the ends of the world and bringing freedom and salvation. In contrast, king Uzziah in 2 Chr 26 is described as being very powerful with a large well-trained army and weapons. God gave him success as long as he sought the Lord, but ultimately his pride lead to his downfall through attempting to perform duties of a priest. Interestingly, in an earlier prophecy of Zechariah we read that the Messiah would be both king and priest (Zech 6:13).
Jesus said of himself: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matt 10:34). The NIV study Bible commentary explains that this is no contradiction with Jesus being the ‘Prince of Peace’ (Isa 9:6), since although Christ came to bring peace between the believer and God, and peace among men, the inevitable result is conflict, between Christ and the anti-christ.
Heavenly Father, thank you that through our King Jesus Christ, we have peace with you. Please help us to fulfil our calling for patient endurance, faithfulness and wisdom when we face difficulties. Amen.

(friend of Christ Church)