May 12th

Numbers 21     Isaiah 10     Psalms 60-61     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The psalmist is nothing if not realistic.  He recognises that everyday life is not all about mountain top experiences. His despair in these two Psalms is almost palpable, and he does not pull his punches in his conversation with God ( 60:1 “you have rejected us, O God..…you have been angry”). 

Even in the depths of despair, however, he knows he can trust God.  He recognises God’s power, even though that may only be an exercise of will at the time.  ((60:1) “Now restore us”; (61:3)” From the ends of the earth I call to you”
But he does more than just acknowledge God’s power.  He also calls to mind, and draws strength from, those times when he has been blessed by God ((61:3) “For you have been my refuge”.
Here is a real relationship.  It is sometimes simply an effort of will, sometimes a delight, but always played out in daily reality of life.  It is mindful of God’s power and loving nature (61:4 David talks of taking refuge in the shelter of God’s wings).  It draws on remembrance of past blessings (and not just of David himself but of God’s people generally – note 61:5 “you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name”).
Through that daily walk is forged a bond which is strong enough to bear the strain of bad times as well as good, of anger and not just praise.  It is built in love on a foundation of respect. 
Now that really is a model for us to follow……..

(member of a homegroup)