May 17th

Numbers 26     Isaiah 16     Psalms 69     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

At first glance it is quite easy to dismiss Numbers 26 as just a list of names and tribes. But on further reflection this chapter speaks quite strongly of the steadfast nature of God's character.
This is a record of the second census taken of men of fighting age as Israel prepares for entering into Canaan, the Promised Land. The first census was taken 38 years earlier when Israel was poised to conquer this land but had no faith in God's promise of victory and once again rebelled against him.
God forgave them but declared that none of that generation would enter the promised land except for Joshua and Caleb, whose faith in God's word did not waver (Numbers 14 v. 20 - 24).
So here they are, nearly forty years on and this census shows us that the total number of fighting men is very nearly the same as that of the first census. God is going to carry out his plan to lead his people into the Promised Land - just as he promised he would. Because of the people's grumbling, rebellion, lack of faith and disregard for all that God had done in rescuing them from a life of slavery in Egypt, they have missed out on the blessing of playing a part in God's plan of restoration and of entering into the Promised Land.
In Numbers 23 v.19 God uses Balaam to declare, "God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son a of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and not act? Does he promise and not fulfil?"
God doesn't change. His word can be trusted. He will fulfil his promises. Let's not miss out on the blessings of walking closely with our God, of being used by him in the building of his kingdom. He doesn't need us to do this work, he chooses to use us - what a privilege! Look around you today - how is he choosing to use you? Let's not grumble or moan if things seem unclear or uncertain, but let's partner willingly with our Father, remembering all that he has done and trusting in his promises.

(member of the youth ministry team)