May 13th

Numbers 22     Isaiah 11-12     Psalms 62-63     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Numbers 22

When I’m reading the bible, I like to look at a passage and say, ‘isn’t God brilliant!’  So what brilliant stuff does God do in this chapter?
Just for starters there is Israel itself — she’s made it this far and she’s a fearsome enemy (v3)!  The next brilliant thing for me is that when Balak seeks out a renowned and powerful diviner in order to curse Israel, he picks a gentile who gains his wisdom and power from the Lord, the God of Israel — Balaam.  (In Jewish legend, Balaam is sometimes seen like a gentile version of Moses).  Israel cannot be cursed, brilliant!
This chapter also contains a particularly cool event:  a talking donkey, and through this narrative we can learn an important lesson.
Even though God is pretty clear (v12), when Balak sends a more alluring contingent to persuade Balaam, (v15) Balaam feels the need to ask God again.  What’s changed?  Well, simply the promise of greater reward, Balaam is not operating out of a desire for God’s glory, but out of his own desire for reward.  God allows Balaam to leave but only to do what He says.  My suspicion is that God is aware of Balaam’s true motive and seeks to reinforce the ‘only what I tell you’ (v20, v35) with a bit of donkey discipline.
There are many interpretations of what each part of the donkey episode relates to, but for me, the key in this passage is God.  If you find yourself second guessing God, you’re probably wrong. He deserves the glory in all things!

(member of the youth ministry team)