May 11th

Numbers 20     Isaiah 9-10     Psalms 58-59     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

David, as we meet him in this psalm, is hiding in his house from Saul’s men. He sings to the Lord to be his fortress and to be his strength. There is a sense that David is besieged by these enemies who “return at evening, snarling like dogs.” That refrain comes twice in the psalm, giving the sense of prowling enemies who appear to leave only to return at night.
There are times when we feel attacked and besieged. Perhaps it is the expectations of family members, constant requests from colleagues, or a sense of too many commitments. Or it may be an actual attack on your reputation or personality. Sometimes, like David’s enemies, they are fears or worries that we think have gone only to return again and again. David’s song reminds us that we are not alone, and that we have God on our side. A God who is our strength, He will go before us, consume our foes, laughing at them. It is that latter that speaks to me, often all it takes to dispel my worries is to laugh at them.
If you feel besieged today, how can you call on God to help you? Will He consume your enemies or laugh at them?
If you want to know the rest of the story and find out how David got on, read 1 Samuel 19:11..

(member of a homegroup)