May 9th

Numbers 17-18     Isaiah 7     Psalms 55     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

What causes us to doubt God’s protection and provision in our lives?
I often find myself reluctant to take God at his word because I fear he might fail and this would put my weak faith at risk of being destroyed.
Ahaz (of Judah) is being threatened by Israel (Ephraim) and Syria (Aram).  Ahaz has previously been defeated by Syria and Israel so feels extremely vulnerable.
God is willing to give Ahaz a sign that things will work out okay, but why is Ahaz resistant to such an offer of assurance?  Maybe his faith is weak, and to experience defeat at the hands of his enemies, following a promise of God’s intervention, might destroy his faith completely. But Isaiah has a warning - if he does not stand firm he will be defeated. 
If I don’t stand on the faith God has given me and trust him then I am likely to experience an erosion of what little faith I do have and, eventually be defeated.
God’s sign to Ahaz appears to have had both an immediate fulfilment, in the birth of Isaiah’s son, and a long term fulfilment in Jesus.  This ‘now’ and ‘later’ fulfilment is not always evident; sometimes things only work for the best when viewed from an eternal perspective but Heb 11:6 asserts that we need to ‘believe God rewards those who earnestly seek him’.  We all have some faith, we just need to stand in it to see it grow.

Prayer: Lord please show me the ways I need to be standing in my faith, grant me the strength to do so and the eternal perspective with which to view the outcome.  Amen.

(member of a homegroup)