6th Dec

2 Chronicles 5     Habakkuk 1     1 John 5     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The temple building project comes to an end.  The contractors go, and the dedication starts.  It is hard to imagine just how excited people must have felt as the long awaited building of the temple reached its climax.  God's people had waited years for this, and now the ark of the Lord's covenant is brought in by the Levites to take its central place in the temple.  There follows an astonishing act of song, joy, and music as they praise and thank God.  And God confirms his delight by filling the temple with His presence, a presence so powerful and glorious that the priests could not perform their service.

This happy state was reached because God's will was being worked in God's way with God's timing.  What does this tell us as a church?  Can we envisage services of the type described here?  Can we experience in our personal lives a sense of purpose, joy and praise that we read of here?  It offers a foretaste of heaven, and yet there seems no reason why we too cannot experience something similar as a body and as individuals if we are on God's pathway, enjoying His company and following His will.

(member of Christ Church congregation)