4th Dec

2 Chronicles 3     Nahum 2     1 John 3     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Today’s Old Testament passages confront us with
-      a God before whom Israel could only stand in awe  
-   a God at whose word the bloodthirsty all-conquering Assyrians would see their capital     Nineveh destroyed 
-    a God whose Temple demanded the very best the world had to offer.  But this magnificent building was to be used for the messiness of animal sacrifice - the endless shedding of blood so that Israel wouldn't face the same judgment as Nineveh

So what a contrast in 1 John! Now it is Jesus’ blood (v 16) and our status is not as fearful subjects but as dearly loved children.  We have the promise that when Christ returns we shall be like him.  And in place of the long rule book two simple commands “to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us”.  Yet of course there’s nothing simple about this radical calling.  As Christ lay down his life for us, nothing less than laying down our lives for each other is appropriate (v 16).  Our motivation for living according to God’s commands no longer comes from fear but from deep gratitude for the unwarranted love the Father has lavished on us. It’s not an expectation of perfection but to allow God’s Spirit in us to make us evermore like Jesus.

Take a few moments to thank the Father for his lavish love in Jesus, to reflect on what it cost and to ask him to show you today how you can love not just with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 

(member of Christ Church congregation)