3rd Dec

2 Chronicles 2     Nahum 1     1 John 2     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Each of today’s passages can act as a challenge to us.
Solomon was given the job of building ‘a temple for the name of the Lord’.   In chapter 2 of the second book of Chronicles we read of his detailed and thorough preparations for the task.   Is my approach to service for God comparable?
Nahum was sent to proclaim an unpopular message, prophesying the downfall of Nineveh when that city was at the height of her powers.   Can we echo verse 7 of chapter 1? ‘the Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him…’ 
John, in his first letter, tells his readers that they [and we] must be obedient to Jesus; must walk as Jesus did; must love His/Our Heavenly Father and our Christian brothers and sisters.   The challenge to love one another has featured in recent readings and comes to us again today.   We are not to love the things of the world because they do not come from the Father and because they pass away.   We ARE to love Jesus Christ who died in our place, conquering sin and death to save us, and also our Christian brothers and sisters.   Refusing to love them is choosing darkness rather than light.   What, in practice, am I choosing?
John also points out some safeguards that help us continue in the faith:
-         we have received an anointing of the Holy One,
-         we already know the truth that should remain in us, and
-         we should remain in the Father, acknowledging Jesus as the Christ, His Son.

Father, please may my walk with you today be more like that of Jesus, by the help of your Holy Spirit. 

(member of Christ Church congregation)