10th Nov

2 Kings 23     Joel 2     Hebrews 5     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Hebrews 5

V14 ‘But solid food is for the mature’.....
What a challenge!
Using our knowledge of Jesus we can grow as Christians becoming mature in our faith
V7 Jesus offered up prayers and petitions ....and he was heard because of his reverent submission ( Action   submit ourselves to God)
v8 He (Jesus) learned obedience even though it led to death on a cross  ( Action ....  Obey God)
v10 He was designated by God to be high priest ( Action ... believe you are a saint not a sinner)
Jesus chose his life freely coming under God’s will. Jesus was human and therefore knows our temptations (Action ....Believe Jesus came to set us free)
It is not enough, anymore, for people who have been Christians for some time to simply dwell on/ depend on the basics.
We have to go deeper and apply ourselves diligently teaching others, discerning right from wrong, wanting more and more of the Holy Spirit and building up the Kingdom here on earth.
What a Challenge!!!!
Dear Lord,
Help me to become obedient and desire to know You more and more.

(member of a homegroup)