13th Nov

1 Chronicles 1-2     Amos 2     Hebrews 8     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The New Covenant

Today’s Hebrew’s reading is about the concept of the New Covenant. What’s new about the New Covenant is its basis and effect. The New Covenant is based on a set of historical events, something that the old one could not be, because the historical events had not yet taken place: the kingdom-work of Jesus, his life, death, resurrection and sending of the Spirit.
The impact of the New Covenant is about renewed hearts and minds. The New Testament imagery around becoming part of the New Covenant people of God is very graphic. It refers to things like becoming a new creation, to dying and rising to life, to moving from darkness to light, etc. Something fundamental happens to our natures by a work of the Spirit. This is what it means to have the law written on our hearts (vs. 10) and to know God (vs.11). The implication of this is a pattern of life that is fundamentally different to the before; a pattern that is characterised by a whole-person integrated relational response to God and to each other, a response that involves our emotions, minds, souls and bodies. There is a wonderful ‘virtuous circle’ in the Kingdom, as we worship God and love each other, we find the fullest meaning of our true selves and our identities, and as we understand our true selves and our identities more, we understand that it is the ultimate expression of our true selves to worship God and to love each other. How can we open ourselves to this virtuous circle more?

(Trinity College student)