Hebrews 4
Rest in the Lord and trust His power
It’s all very well to read God’s word and attend church but
if you lack faith in God’s power your life can be very frustrating !
We had been travelling
for 3 hours heading towards a campsite on the West coast of Italy . I had
put the directions into our ‘trusty ‘ satnav and were confident we would be
camped within the half hour. Three hours later and an extra 100 miles we were
no closer. Frustration, doubt and anger followed. At this point my wife said
something quite inspirational! ‘Let’s pray to God for directions’. We did.
Within minutes we had found the road which led to our campsite. Why had we
waited so long to do something which should come so naturally?
When we trust in our own efforts we can get lost ’big time’.
Rest in the Lord at every opportunity and trust Him to lead your life.
In Romania ,
Christians address each other with the word ‘Pace’
which means Peace. How wonderful! It reminds us we can have peace here on
earth as well as eternal life in heaven.
Lastly in verse 16 we are encouraged to be bold and reverent
when we approach God in Prayer. God knows who we are, what we want and need and
will answer our prayers accordingly.
Dear Lord, when I need to make decisions today help me to put
you first and trust in your guidance.
(member of a homegroup)