Psalm 78 v40-72 and Isaiah 26
What a hard time the people of Israel had as they wavered in their
trust of God. We often hear, or perhaps even ask, ‘How can there be a God when
all this happens?’, and in the same way, when bad things happened they
concluded God wasn’t with them and wandered off to other gods. The series of
miracles surrounding the Exodus, and God’s astonishing protection of his people
had been allowed to fade in their memories and in spite of painful reminders
they still rebelled again and again. Yet even at the end of this series of
disasters there is hope in the provision of David, a man of God, to lead them.
In spite of all their wrong choices God was still planning for their good. It
may not always seem so, but he also has planned for our good. Isaiah reminds us
(v3) that even in the hard times we can trust the God who is our eternal Rock.
Not that He will make our troubles disappear overnight – that’s obvious even
from today’s passages, but is consistently written throughout the Bible – but
we can trust Him for the long term. As a modern song says, “If it all just
happened overnight, you wouldn’t know how much it means. If it all just
happened overnight you would never learn to believe in what you cannot see.”
Through the scriptures and through life, God is teaching us to trust Him, so
that our minds can be kept in perfect peace.
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