May 19th

Numbers 28     Isaiah 19-20     Psalms 72     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Psalm 72
Wow!  What a prayer for the king!  I don’t think I’ve ever prayed a prayer even remotely like this for our queen, it normally ends up being something like, “thank you Lord for our queen, please bless her and give her, umm, wisdom...amen.”
But what I really like about this psalm is how it’s blessing, and a prayer, and a declaration too.  This is speaking about the ideal king, the king without the blunders.  It goes from mere boring requests to bold declarations about what the king and his kingdom will be like.  In verses 9-14 there is a section of declarations, these are things that will happen!  They’re not requests. How bold is this prayer!?
But of course in the idealism of this king, we can see another more perfect king.  The King.  King Jesus.  All the things in this psalm are only truly going to be fulfilled in God’s Kingdom, but in His kingdom, this is normal!  We can rest assured that Jesus’ reign will be refreshing like spring rain (v6), when we let Jesus rule us, this is what our life looks like.  There isn’t space here, but maybe you could note down all the blessings in this psalm, that’s what life with the Lord is like.
So maybe I should pray more like this for our queen, but more importantly, we should pray like this about the Kingdom.  Even if we just echo v8, may Jesus reign in everyone, across all known boundaries!

(member of the youth ministry team)