Psalm 77
Isaiah 24
Logically unfailing love cannot vanish and God’s
promises cannot fail but at this point in time this is how it feels to the
writer of this psalm.
And it’s in being real with God about the pain he
feels and reciting the seeming contradiction which actually becomes his turning
point for finding the answer. Instead of falling into self pity and despair he
remembers that he must remember all that God has done for him and his people in
the past. It’s not a glib ‘count your blessings’ but a real understanding of
what God has done and therefore what he can and will do.
There’s no promise here that everything will come
right today but by looking back over the past he knows he has confidence to
trust God for the future.
Perhaps too often we want to be in the green
pastures when actually God wants us to travel with Him in the Valley of the
Shadow of Death, so that He can teach us how to cope and teach us how much we
can trust Him. In Lecrae Moore’s words, “Life is not about waiting for the
storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
(member of a homegroup)