May 1st

Numbers 8     Song of Solomon 6     Psalms 44     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Psalm 44
When I read Psalm 44 I see a similar pattern to many of the Psalms. Basically, the author is first saying how God through history has been on the side of His people and he has done mighty things, but now, it seems like God has fallen asleep and forgotten His people. Nothing is going right. Certainly God must be asleep or just not paying attention. The Psalmist says “Rise up and help us”. Wake up! Can’t you see things are falling apart here?! Rise up! 
Then the Psalm ends with “redeem us because of your unfailing love”.
I’m sure I’m not alone in sometimes wondering if God has gone to sleep, even if in my mind I may know better than to think that, my heart can certainly be tempted. So sometimes when I pray I might start out with what I know in my head, what my ears have heard, but once I get going what is in my heart starts to come out. Before I know it I’m telling God “wake up!!! Can’t you see what’s happening? Why don’t you fix this?”
It can be hard sometimes for us to remember the fundamental truths of our faith that God is alive, he’s working in us, and around us, and that he never sleeps! Spend some time today reflecting on what God has done in your life, in your families, friends and churches. Then spend some time giving thanks to God through prayer for his continued faithfulness.

Reflections this week are written by a lay member for the staff team