Psalm 40-41
As is often the case, these two Psalms provide us much comfort but also a challenge. How many of us can honestly say that in all aspects of our lives we ‘waited patiently for the Lord’. How many of us truly ‘care for the weak?’ Waiting patiently for God and caring for his flock are calls on our lives as Christians, I’m sure I’m not alone in not always managing this. Sometimes it is too tempting to want things in our own time, and not wait for God. One of the first Sermons I remember Paul preaching at Christ Church was about Abraham, and Hagar. Abraham didn’t wait patiently on the Lord so took things into his own hands. Paul asked the question and I ask it of you again, in what ways are you sleeping with hagar?
Many of you will recognize verses 1 to 3 as an expression of your own spiritual experience. Verses 6 to 8 however clearly speak of Christ (Hebrews 10:5-9). The apparent contradiction is resolved when we recognize that this is one of David’s psalms, springing from his own experience and yet looking forward to one who would fulfill it in a way he could not hope to. After all, we know that through the grace and predestinating choice of God that verses 6 to 8 are, in measure, true of us also.
My favorite verse in these two psalms is 41:11 “I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me.” Ultimately this is what we must remember, ultimately the Lamb Wins.
Reflections this week are written by a lay member for the staff team