Apr 30th

Numbers 7     Song of Solomon 5     Psalms 42-43     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

I went to an art exhibition a few years ago entitled ‘peace’. Two pieces, stood next to each other, particularly ‘spoke’ to me. (if art can speak) The first was of a serene landscape, stillness was clearly in the air, nothing moved. The second was of a turbulent scene; things were moving and going wrong in the background, but in the foreground, a bird, on a branch, resting.
The psalmist here paints his picture with language that groans: my tears have been my food; my bones suffer mortal agony; my foes taunt me. His soul is downcast and he goes about in mourning.

I wonder what your view of peace is? Perhaps we’re all striving, at least in part, for everything to be peaceful, it will only be then that we can rest. Truthfully, few of us will ever experience that. There will always be things happening in our lives and around them that are unsettling, turbulent or just busy. I wonder if the key is to learn to rest, and be peaceful in Gods presence like that bird on a branch. My life is constantly busy, those who know me would think I don’t stop from the moment I wake to the second my head hits the pillow. How do I cope? Most mornings I pray and then I sit, silent, listening for God and resting. I notice the difference in my day when I don’t. Why don’t you find, even just 5 minutes, to sit in silence today, see what a difference it makes to your day.
Reflections this week are written by a lay member for the staff team