Mar 23rd

Exodus 34     Proverbs 10     Judges 13     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Proverbs 10
“Lazy people are soon poor and hard workers get rich” Proverbs like this are generally true, but as always there are exceptions to every rule. There are some very lazy people who seem to have the Midas touch; they do very little but everything they touch seems to turn to gold, there are also some who work tirelessly whilst never being able to dig themselves out of their financial misfortune.
That said there is wisdom in reminding people who choose not to work at anything that their results will be poverty ‘the poverty of the poor is their calamity’ (10:15) Often those who are poor (and I’m not just talking about physical wealth) will blame everything but themselves, but more often than not the root of the problem lies in those little grey cells between our ears. Truly a man who ‘sleeps away the hour of opportunity brings shame’ (10:5)
Perhaps harsh words but I wonder if there is an area of our own lives that needs us to think about this. I love the saying ‘if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’. What are we dissatisfied with? What needs our attention? Are there areas of our lives that are ‘poor’? Is that as a result of us not working hard enough at them?
(lay member of staff)