Mar 17th

Exodus 28     Proverbs 4     Judges 7     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Prov. 4:13, "Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life."

The Bible is one of the most precious gifts God has given us.  It tells us who God is, who we are and, above all, how we may be saved from our sins and brought into His family as His beloved people.  Without the Bible we would never know any of this and would be groping in the darkness.  Many tribes in the world today still do not have the Scriptures in their own language. There are tribes in Kenya today who have never seen a Bible and could not read it even if they had it in their own language.  And yet in the Bible we 
are shown the way of eternal life.
Let us resolve today to hold on to the instruction we have received from God's precious word and to live by it, "for it is your life."  Let us also pray for those engaged in the precious ministry of translating God's word so that those who are still living in darkness and ignorance may see the light of God's salvation in Christ and seek to follow Him.

(overseas mission partner)