Exodus 33
You hear that some people have a lot, Moses quite literally had everything. There was nothing that he couldn’t have if he wanted it. And yet he felt a call on his life to give it all up and lead Gods people into the promised land. This isn’t massively un-common, people give up vast wealth and privilege from time to time to do what they feel called to. But then a twist, just at the point where God gives Moses permission to go ahead he also tells him that he’s not going with him.
Moses told God that he wasn’t going to go if God wasn’t going with them, and why? This was Moses’ life calling after all. It’s because Moses recognises early on that without God there was nothing to separate them out as being the people of God. He recognised that they needed God’s presence. Moses, like Joshua, was hungry for the presence of God. I wonder if we are? Do we seek the presence of God in our daily lifes, do we boldly get on with making our own decisions? Rather than asking God to help you with something maybe we should ask God what he is doing and how we can help him...
(lay member of staff)