Feb 7th

Genesis 40     Job 6     Romans 10     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Paul’s themes continue – do we accept the good news of Jesus or reject it?   Our loving, generous God blesses those who do accept it with salvation, and ‘all day long holds out His hands’ to those who don’t.   Do we share the good news generously or do we keep it to ourselves?   If we are paralysed by fear, or if we start and the good news is rejected, we’ll need ‘the Lord’s rich blessing’ to help us if we are to keep ‘holding out our hands’.   These experiences have been common to God’s people through the centuries.
Joseph maintained his integrity and did not deny God in the face of unjust punishment.   God used him to speak good news to the cupbearer, but the cupbearer forgot Joseph {and God} once that good news was fulfilled. 
Job pours out his anguish at his undeserved suffering, his helplessness and his unsupportive friends when he hasn’t denied God or His word – he maintained his integrity.
Paul outlines the mixed reactions of Israelites to the good news but encourages us with the promises of verses 12 & 13. 
Why not ask God now to give you an opportunity {& the courage} to share our good news this week?

(member of the prayer ministry team)