Feb 5th

Genesis 38     Job 4     Romans 8

The apostle Paul starts Romans chapter 8 with wonderful words – we are set free because of what Jesus has done.   What transforming news this is!   Today’s Genesis chapter shows that God can use his people even when we disobey Him or let Him down.   Judah, Tamar and Perez all appear in the genealogy of Jesus {Matthew 1.3}.   But now His Spirit dwells in us, helping us in our weakness.  
Job chapter 4 illustrates the unreliability of human friends – Job wanted someone to empathise with him [‘to weep with those who weep’] but Eliaphaz was too busy passing judgement and telling Job where he had gone wrong.   God’s Spirit lives in us and prays for us.   Now nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.   We are His children, led by His Spirit.   
Have I accepted Christ’s wonderful free gift?
If so, what do I think of being God’s child?
What is my mind set on?   [v.5]
Do I know that in all things {the good and the bad, the pains and the joys of life} God is working for my good?  [v.28]
I find it helpful to remember verses 38 & 39.

(Reflections for this week are written by a member of the prayer ministry team)