Feb 4th

Genesis 37     Job 3     Romans 7     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Romans 7

So we are slaves to God, not to sin – so why is it that we keep on sinning all the time then? Paul is realistic – he is aware of his own tendency to do everything that is contrary to God’s commands (7:15-24). But he also knows why he does this - because he is unspiritual (7:14), living in a body of death (7:24), and still succumbing to the sinful nature, despite being a slave to God and His ways (7:25b).

It is as in marriage, Paul says in v1-3. When your spouse is alive, marriage requires your commitment to him or her as long as you live. However, when your spouse dies, you are released from this binding commitment. The law, then, is only useful as a binding guide to life until you are in Jesus (7:4). Once we belong to Christ we are released to live life, to serve, in the way of the Spirit, allowing Him to be our guide through our tendency to sin. Not the old way of the law (7:6,13).

But until heaven these two powers will be waging war within us every moment of every day (7:21-23). We, like Paul, want to not sin, but we sin again and again. How can we be rescued from this mess?

And that is where I want to leave you at the end of this exciting week into the gospel as proclaimed in Romans 1-7. We can’t do anything to rescue ourselves from our wretchedness (7:24)! Only Jesus can, and only Jesus does. If only we will trust Him. Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord (7:26)!