May 3rd

Numbers 10     Song of Solomon 8     Psalms 46-47     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)
Song of Songs 8
Have you ever had that one friend who constantly talks about their boyfriend or girlfriend? No matter what situation or circumstance you’re in, you can guarantee that by the end of the conversation they will have mentioned their name at least 20 times, shared countless ‘funny’ stories and reminded you of how smart/attractive/caring they are. It’s pretty obvious to all involved that they’re in love. Our friends may not put it quite as explicitly as Songs of Songs does, but reading the passages today it’s obvious that they all revolve around the idea of love.
There are many different interpretations of Songs of Songs. Some see it as a literal love letter between Solomon and a woman, other’s say it depicts the relationship between God and Israel, others still, see it as a picture of Jesus and the Church. Whichever interpretation we take, they all promote the integral truth that we as humans were created for relationship with one another; we were designed to love others and be loved.
What is love? Well we only know what love is because God first loved us. In the cross we see a visual representation of Jesus’ choice to love. The love God has for us isn’t dependent on ourselves, it isn’t affected by our failures, even by our successes.

I’m sure there are people in all our lives we could be a little more loving towards. Perhaps today make an effort to be more outwardly loving, even to those who we might, even subconsciously, feel don’t deserve it!
Reflections this week are written by a lay member for the staff team