June 29th

Joshua 1     Isaiah 61     Psalms 120-122     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Joshua has now succeeded Moses in leading the Israelites and is about to take them into and conquer the Promised Land. Reading this chapter we get a tremendous sense that God is in control and God is giving Joshua such wonderful encouragement.  The encouragement comes in various forms
1) God’s promises for Israel v3 I will give you every place where you set your foot…v5 no-one will be able to stand up against you
2) Meditating on the word of God      to be told v6 be strong and courageous is one thing but knowledge and the consequent obedience to God’s word will enable Joshua to be strong and courageous
3) God’s promises for Joshua v9 the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go
The rest of the chapter keeps the theme of encouragement alive as Joshua encourages the officers of the people (v10-15) and they in turn encourage Joshua with their reply (v16-18).

The history of the Israelites is God’s story or His Story!  This God, who is in control of the destiny of the nation of Israel, is also the God who gets alongside the individual.  500 years later in Psalm 121 we read one of the songs of ascents (people united in song on their way up to possibly Jerusalem)  - v2 my help comes from the Lord, v5 the Lord watches over you.

So much could be said about Isaiah 61 but continuing the theme that our God is in control of history we read in v1 the Lord has anointed me…- words that are repeated by Jesus at the beginning of his earthly ministry. And finally we too can be encouraged that by meditating on God’s word our hope can be anchored in our God as Jesus was anointed to preach good news (v61) and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

(member of a homegroup)

June 28th

Deuteronomy 33-34     Isaiah 60     Psalms 119: 145-176     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

“May my lips overflow with praise.”  Do your lips overflow with praise? Mine do sometimes, but not as often as they should. I get up, I moan about the weather, get resentful about my workload, spend all my day rushing from one thing to another. Yet a closer look at Psalm 119 v171. tells us that this needn’t be the case; it tells us what the word of God is, what it does for us, and how we should work in the light of the word. In Jesus’ time, the first portion of scripture children were taught was Psalm 119, that’s how important it is. But for me, “stuff” gets in the way of God’s great promises. I take my eyes away from the perfect love of Jesus------ and turn a blind eye to the abundance of grace and good things of the world. Ps 119 tells me that ever increasing knowledge of God will result in ever increasing praise. So, today, I will be obedient to God, I will read my Bible, I will pray steadfastly. And when those gripes and petty thoughts enter my head, I will move my lips to “overflow with praise.” Today I will look at the beauty of the trees, the movement of the clouds; I will thank God for the privilege of being a mother to my children; for actually having a job when millions don’t. And most of all, I will keep Jesus at my centre.

(member of a homegroup)

June 27th

Deuteronomy 32     Isaiah 59     Psalms 119: 121-144     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The 'Song of Moses', which Moses wanted the whole of Israel to hear, teaches us all about the character of God: he is a great God, he is a faithful God, he is a God who disciplines us, he is perfect God, He is  a God who loves us.

One verse in particular stood out for me; verse 10 "He kept him as the apple of his eye". As a child my favourite verse in the bible was Psalm 17 v8 "keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shadow of your wings"....my daughter has a t-shirt which says 'apple of Daddy’s eye'.

The 'apple of the eye' is the pupil and this is the most delicate part of the eye that must be protected at all costs, like a parent protecting his child at all cost, and because of the love for the child would lay down their life for that child. Jesus laid down his life for each and everyone of us. 

So let us go through today conscious that we are the apple of God’s eye.

(member of a homegroup)

June 26th

Deuteronomy 31     Isaiah 58     Psalms 119: 97-120      (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

On reflecting upon Isaiah 58 the challenge for me is to ‘Let Go and Let God,’ to allow the Holy Spirit to fill and transform my heart; in order that I may think, feel and act with a giving and loving heart. Isaiah 58 reminds me that God does not want us to act or do things because we feel we ‘ought’ to or we ‘should,’ or because it is what is expected of us. This passage illustrates that God does not want hypocrisy; he does not want our worship to be only an outward show. God longs for us to be inwardly obedient and humble before Him.
Indeed right at the heart of our experience is where God wants to be. Both Isaiah 58 and Psalm 119 make reference to light, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path,” (Psalm 119.) Isaiah 58 calls us to “share our food with the hungry” and to “provide the wanderer with shelter.” God calls us to ‘honour him,’ to follow his path, not to go our own way and he promises that in so doing, we will find joy in the Lord.
God calls us to follow his path, with Him at our heart and I take strength from his word that he promises to “guide us always.” How wonderful is that!

(member of a homegroup)

June 25th

Deuteronomy 30     Isaiah 57     Psalms 119: 73-96     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

No, the Word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it’ Deut. 30v14

If something is near you, then it inevitably has an affect on you. Be it positively or negatively, knowingly or unknowingly the people, objects and circumstances that fill our world affect us. So if the Word of God is very near to us how does it affect us?
Someone once said ‘Our words are an overflow of what fills our heart’, if this is so then what does that overflow look like in our lives? Does it affect our actions, our thought patterns, and the way that we conduct ourselves in society?
Thomas à Kempis, in ‘The imitation of Christ’ says, ‘If you know the whole Bible off by heart and all expositions of scholars, what good would it do you without the love and grace of God.’ You may have an amazing knowledge of the bible and have shelves of commentaries but the recognition of His unconditional love and abounding grace is key if God’s word is to have an effect and be powerful in our lives.
Verse 11 tells us that keeping these commands are not too difficult for us or beyond our reach. He wants us to fill our hearts and minds with his word, that we may be an example of it in this world. So what is stopping us from delving into the bible and grappling with it each day? It’s more than just reading it and leaving it on the bedside table, it’s about allowing what you’ve read to draw near and transform your heart and mind.
So why not start today? Take a verse or even just a word and dwell on it throughout your day. Let God’s word by His Spirit transform you more into Christ’s-likeness.

(lay member of staff)

June 24th

Deuteronomy 29     Isaiah 56     Psalms 119: 49-72     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

If you can, read the Psalm passage in the message translation. Some of the phrasing that is used gives a much more vivid picture of what David is saying. I will be using this translation to reflect upon. The main challenge that I have come away with, from reading this passage is, ‘Can I say the same thing with integrity?’ Do I meditate on His name all night, treasuring His revelation? Are there minutes where I forget the plan He has for me? Do the words from His mouth mean more to me than ‘striking it rich in the gold mine’? I think if I’m totally honest with myself the answer would be no. Of course these are mindsets that I long to have, but in the reality of life how often is it true? But we must not get down cast because of this, for our God brings good out of every situation. He is the God who sustains and provides for all our needs. Spend time today meditating on verse 64 ‘Your love, God, fills the earth! Train me to live by your counsel.’ Be open to Him teaching you and challenging you through your day. He always has something to share with you; all we need to do is be open to His voice.

(lay member of staff)

June 23rd

Deuteronomy 28     Isaiah 55     Psalms 119: 25-48     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Sometimes you just have to let scripture speak for itself. 

I'm hungry and thirsty.  I crave a long drink and a steak with chunky chips.  A pint of Gem and a trip to the Cowshed on Whiteladies road perhaps?  I love my food, but the satisfaction of a good meal is only ever temporary and a good steak doesn't come cheap!

My much more serious search for satisfaction, nourishment, significance and meaning in life doesn't find its peace until I give God his rightful place and space in it.  The mind blowing thing is that God's love, forgiveness, grace and plans for us are so vast, so life-giving, so life-nourishing and so completely FREE!  I pray my dull mind and tepid heart gets this.  I want my life to be a response to who God is and what he's done for me; I want to be the lead singer in Isaiah's song of praise and see the world through divine eyes:

"You'll go out in joy,
You'll be led into a complete and whole life.
The mountains and the hills will lead the parade,
bursting with song.
All the trees of the forest will join the procession,
exuberant with applause.
No more thistles, but giant sequoias,
No more thorn bushes, but stately pines -
Monuments to God, living and lasting evidence of God." (The Message)

May we be bold today and share this whole life that is ours in Christ Jesus with our worlds. 

(member of the congregation)