Apr 20th

Leviticus 24     Ecclesiastes 7     Psalms 31     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

A chapter that takes us back into Exodus when the law was first given and then forward to Matthew and what Jesus has to say in His fulfilment of the law.
This story of the young man who blasphemed may well strike us as hard, particularly in a culture where blasphemy for the most part is considered acceptable.  But this story is a reminder of just how seriously God takes our relationship with Him.   Our God is holy and we need to treat Him reverently.   
v.17-23 – the echoes of the law first given by God to Moses, “an eye for eye, tooth for tooth”, are not a cry for personal vengeance as we might at first think, but a code for the Israelite judges to ensure fairness in punishment – not too severe or too lenient. And Jesus speaking about this in Matthew 5 tells us “if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.  If someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.”  What a challenge for us, especially when we long to give expression to the inner feelings of “that’s not fair!”   

(member of congregation)