Feb 19th

Exodus 2     Job 19     Luke 5     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Today’s Bible passages tell us about deliverance through God. We read about the examples of several Biblical characters, who all experience deep personal faith despite their suffering, and an interesting absence of fear. This enables them to actively put their trust in God, leading to amazing miracles and displays of God’s power to save and redeem.
Moses’ life was miraculously saved following his family’s actions and he became a member of the family of the same man who ordered his killing. Hebrews 11:23 speaks of the faith of Moses’ parents while they were hiding him and that they were not afraid.
Job pours out in drastic images his physical and mental suffering, but through his faith he is able to withstand these ordeals and he ends by beautifully proclaiming in v25: “I know that my Redeemer lives!”
In Luke’s Gospel we are told about how the man with leprosy and the paralytic man are both miraculously healed by Jesus following an active expression of their faith.
We can’t save ourselves. We need Jesus and we need fellowship with family, friends and fellow Christians to grow in our faith. With faith we will experience God’s miracles!
Today, speak up with Job in your suffering and read out loud his confession:
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth!  Amen.

(homegroup member)