Genesis 2
After six days, our hymn of creation ends by
telling us that God took a well-earned rest (Ge 2:2)!. Commentators suggest that this highlights the importance of a day (Sabbath) when we too should rest
from our work and take time to direct our thoughts towards the creator in whose
image we are made. Do we?
Genesis 2 now
introduces us to an individual man, Adam (cf mankind of Genesis 1) and the
beginning of human history. In this
second account of creation life begins with the making of Man for whom the rest
of creation is provided for him to enjoy and care for. This reaffirms that human beings represents
the pinnacle of God's creation, distinct from other animals, with which we
share a biological heritage. As beings made
in the image of God we are so much more than advanced apes driven merely by
instinct. We
are infused with something of the nature of the creator with whom, through our
own free choice, we can have a relationship. Notice too what this passage tells
us about gender equality. Matthew Henry wrote “Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his
feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under
his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him”. So
Genesis 2 is another chapter brimming with insights to
rejoice in and be challenged by. If you
have time reflect on Psalm 8: 3-8.
(member of the congregation)