19th Dec

2 Chronicles 21     Zechariah 6     Revelation 10     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Here is the man – Zech 6:12
Do you get excited reading all the prophesies regarding the Messiah and marvel at God’s ways? In Zechariah 6 we read a further key prophecy about him: he would be a man who would build the temple of the Lord, clothed in majesty, ruling on the throne, a priest. “Here is the man” are also the words Pilate uses when Jesus comes out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, which the soldiers had put on him. (John 19:5). Jesus is then condemned to be crucified.
Do you sometimes wonder why God allows certain things to happen? After Jehoshaphat’s death (2 Chr 21) his son Jehoram becomes king of Judah and we read that he did evil, but that the Lord was nevertheless not willing to destroy the house of David. We are told that this was because he had promised that there would always be a descendant of David on the throne; however, it also fulfilled God’s long term purpose, the coming of the Messiah from the line of David, Jesus Christ (Mt 1:8), for our salvation.
In Revelation 10 John is told by the angel to “take and eat” the little scroll. “It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” (Rev 10:9). This is reminiscent of Jesus’ command at the last supper: Take and eat (Mat 26:26). Both appeal to us to grasp and digest, to accept and understand the good news of God’s eternal purpose of salvation, but also the bad news of the suffering involved, for Jesus and for us, his followers.
Jesus tells us that we must pick up our cross to follow him (Mt 10:38, Mt 16:24, Mk 8:34, Lk 9:23, Lk 14:27). What does your cross look like?
Do you ever imagine what it must be like to be persecuted for being a follower of Jesus? Revelation was written to encourage early Christians who were faced with severe persecution and martyrdom for resisting to worship Caesar. Today, worldwide about 630 million Christians suffer some form of persecution, ranging from discrimination in areas such as employment and housing, to severe threats of beating, imprisonment, torture and murder (internet sources). An estimated 160,000 Christian men, women and children are martyred every year, which is about one every 4 minutes. However, there are estimates that every day worldwide 86,000 new believers come to Christ.
Heavenly Father, we praise you for your eternal plan of salvation. Thank you that in all things you work for the good of those who love you (Rom 8:28). Help us to carry our cross for you. Help us to remember our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters (Heb 13:3). Amen.

(friend of Christ Church)