18th Dec

2 Chronicles 19-20     Zechariah 5     Revelation 9     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you – 2 Chr 20:12
Have you faced a situation in which you felt completely helpless? In 2 Chr 20 we read how Jehoshaphat is informed about the imminent threat from a vast army alliance. He is alarmed, but responds in faith and with all his people seeks the Lord. God encourages them with a message of great hope and, as they go into battle singing and praising God, miraculously the enemy army destroys itself. However, God’s blessing doesn’t stop there: the men of Judah carry off all the plunder, return home joyfully and continue to live in peace since no-one dares to attack them anymore.
Compare this to the battle in chapter 18. What has changed? Jehoshaphat was told in chapter 19 that the wrath of God was upon him, due to helping those who hate the Lord. However, in the same message he is commended for having set his heart on seeking God (2 Chr 19:3). Jehoshaphat responds to this rebuke by working to turn his people back to the Lord: he goes out among them and appoints judges and other officials, warning them that they must serve wholeheartedly in the fear of God and not sin against the Lord. Jehoshaphat repents and keeps his eyes on God.
How do we respond to warnings? The Bible is full of them, such as the ones we read about in Zech 5 against theft, swearing falsely and wickedness. In Rev 9 we read on about events of God’s final judgement at the end times, and yet, among all the destruction and utter despair, repentance is still an option, albeit tragically not taken up.
Heavenly Father, please help us to always keep our eyes on you. Guide us to repentance in your love (Rev 3:19-20). Thank you, that in every trouble we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ (Rom 8:37). Amen.

(friend of Christ Church)