Here we see more laws, particularly in preparation for the time when the Israelites would go into the promised land, where child sacrifice was an accepted part of pagan worship, and the renewal of God’s call for them to be pure and holy God is a God of love and of life, and all he gives here are practices that lead to health, happiness and wholeness. Sexual guidelines are given to preserve our emotional and mental health, to protect and honour the state of marriage and the family – not to be a spoilsport!
Looking into the future is strictly forbidden, and specifically mediums and spiritualists are mentioned, as God is not the source of their information. God has given us all we need to guide our way in His word – the bible, and with the help of the Holy Spirit we have all we need.
Some of the punishments here may seem hard to us, but we remember again that God is a Holy God and He requires us to be holy too.
(member of congregation)