Apr 15th

Leviticus 19     Ecclesiastes 2     Psalms 23-24     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Continuing God’s instructions for living a life pleasing to God, we turn today
  to laws designed to protect the poor and the alien, and to remind us that it is God who owns the land, and indeed all that we have.    We, as the Israelites, are caretakers only, and in applying these laws God’s nature in caring for the weak and unprotected is reflected.    How can we use the edges of our fields to help others?   Jesus surely summarised the laws in verses 10-35 when he told us to love God with all our heart, and our neighbours as ourselves.  Everything else follows naturally from this. 
The Lord will teach us individually of course, but two particular issues seem relevant today:
V.32 confirms that our elderly are worthy of our time and respect, and it is our responsibility to value them and their wisdom.     What a challenge to us individually and as a society today!
V.33 & 34 – what’s our attitude to foreigners or immigrants?   God is calling us to love and fairness.   Another challenge …? 

 (member of congregation)