Mar 2nd

Exodus 13     Job 31     Luke 16     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The 3 readings today show people in very different places. In the Exodus passage, the people of Israel had just experienced a big scale miracle by “God’s mighty hand” (vv 3, 9, 14, 16).   They are told to remember this amazing experience by having a yearly ritual/celebration and by reminding each other and telling their children. This is to be like a physical reminder (v 9). Following on from the big scale miracle, God guides them; He chooses the long route as He knows they are unlikely to cope with the direct route (v17). And the people of Israel have the visible presence of God with them as they travel (vv 21, 22) to guide them and to enable them to do what they were supposed to do (travel).
Job wishes he was in the presence of God (v 35-37) so that he could justify himself by means of his life seemingly lived blamelessly and in accordance with God’s law. I suspect there aren’t many of us who can measure up to the way Job lived his life. But even if we could, that would be no guarantee for a happy, healthy and prosperous life as we can see from the book of Job.
In Luke 16, two worlds are contrasted. We live in our visible world and are surrounded by the ways of this world. However, no one can serve two masters (vv 13-15). We are asked to live with our focus on God and His purposes alone. It is not wrong to have worldly wealth but we should use it in a way that through it we will be “welcomed into eternal dwellings” (i.e. our focus should be on building God’s kingdom).
In vv 16-17 Jesus confirms that the law is still valid.
The last passage in this chapter is again about the importance of living this life for God. One day it may be too late. If people harden their hearts they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead (v 31), exactly what we find after Jesus’ resurrection.
Let us pray for God to soften our hearts, to be focussed only on Jesus in everything we do (Col. 3, 23) and to seek His presence and guidance.

(women’s ministry)