I remember losing my 2-year old daughter in a shop
in the middle of a large shopping centre. I searched the shop, but she was
nowhere to be found. I was distraught and everything else paled into
insignificance. I was a mother on a mission, with a single-minded determination
to find my lost child.
When I reflect on my feelings then and the readings
today from Luke 15 – the shepherd leaving his flock to search for the lost
sheep, and the woman searching diligently for her lost coin – there is a
persistence and single mindedness in the search: a reminder of God’s deep
desire for the ‘lost’ to be found and a longing to bring them home to him.
The lost son, after living a high life, returns home
covered in shame and lack of self worth, expecting a stern rebuke and scolding;
and yet his father – our heavenly father – has no reprimand, no condemnation as
he runs, arms outstretched, defying all the legalistic culture, lifting his
robes and embracing his wayward son with true unconditional love. There is freedom, extravagance and total
What of the elder son? Condemning, critical, full of
self-pity and religiosity, holding onto the ‘oughts’ and ‘shoulds’ and keeping
himself outside the party. He keeps himself imprisoned. He is the one who misses out.
In each story there is rejoicing and celebration for
the lost being found and the prodigals returning to God. Let our own attitude
be like that of Christ Jesus, persistent in the search to see the lost found,
unconditionally loving to the prodigals and with a love that sets people
free. Let’s not miss out on the party!