Genesis 12 Nehemiah 1 Matthew 11 (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)
It is a strange thing to think about what our calling is. Some people feel a strong calling to their line of work, others feel called to very specific tasks that God has for them to do, others find it difficult to be sure they are hearing God's calling. I often find myself praying "Lord, I want to do your will - please make your way clear, and don't allow me to stray from it".
For Nehemiah, today we see him at the beginning of his calling to rebuild the walls of a great city - no mean feat in anyone's book! Over the next days we will see him working that out as he seeks God's help and strength to accomplish the seemingly impossible. We see John the Baptist with his calling from birth to prepare the way for the Lord Jesus, hoping that his calling was true and being fulfilled. Jesus' reassurance of him and loving demonstration of who he was is in response to how John had lived out what God had for him to do. And we see Abraham, the earliest of the Father's of Israel, receiving his calling and promise from God that he would be a blessing to many nations.
For Abram his response is in verse 3 - "So Abram went". He knew his calling and he followed it to the end, and we still live the fulfilment of the blessing he was promised. What will be your response be to God's calling today?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, allow me to follow you more nearly day by day. Amen
(Men's Ministry Leadership Member)