Genesis 11
V4 The desire to be
recognised for what we have done, to make ourselves the god. What would
have been God's response if the motive to build the tower and city was to
honour Him?
V9 God used this
opportunity to populate the earth.
V31 God's plan to
get Abram to Canaan started with his father
Terah; but Terah stopped short of the vision. Have we settled for
something along the way of our journey rather than going the distance?
Matthew 10
V7 Judas was among
the twelve who preached the good news, drove out evil spirits and healed
sickness and diseases. God can use anyone of us if we are willing.
V9 God's power
doesn't require our 'things' talents, money, provisions even our words.
More than likely these can get in the way...leave the reliance on them
behind and walk with God in faith.
V28 Where is our
reverence/fear? In governments, family, peers...? They have no ultimate
power, better to fear the almighty God and do His will.
V39 Have we given our life to Jesus? Do we give each day to Him? A
seemingly contradicting statement that we have to lose our life to gain
it but the reality is that we become more ourselves/ who we were meant
to be, the more of ourselves we give to Jesus.
Ezra 10
V1 A very public
display of prayer and confession. How public is our relationship with
V6 In private the actions were the same. Do our
public actions mirror our actions unseen?
V9 A mass corporate
move to address a problem and seek Gods mercy. Is this a model for church?
V18 The sin was
identified and repentance occurred. What is our response when we find
something in our lives that is not right with God?
(Men's Ministry Leadership Member)