11th Dec

2 Chronicles 10     Zephaniah 3     Revelation 2     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The messages for the seven churches (which start in Revelation 2 and will continue tomorrow in Revelation 3) sound to me rather like a school report with God in the role of a benevolent yet strict schoolteacher faced with a class of less than perfect students. In most cases the message is of the ‘could try harder’ variety: yes, some good progress has been made, but all is not well and greater effort is required. Sit up and pay attention, I’m talking about you Thyatira – and you can stop smirking as well Ephesus – you’re not as clever as you think… and so on.  Bear in mind that these messages are directed at Christians – people who already know God - who are called to turn away from sinful activities and indifference. In many ways we are like these churches – and like them we deserve a ‘could try harder’ report. This is a rebuke founded on love, for Our Teacher has our best interests at heart. He admonishes to show us where we are wrong and (as we will see tomorrow) encourages us to repent.

(member of the congregation)