28th Nov

1 Chronicles 24-25     Micah 3     1 Peter 5     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

It’s not fair!

When I was a teenager I spent a lot of time shouting “It’s not fair” to my poor mother, usually in connection with how I felt my brother was treated compared to me. We get very indignant about perceived and actual unfairness.
In 1 Chronicles 24:31 they cast lots, treating eldest and youngest families equally. The lots were drawn to determine the order of ministering in the temple, not based on age or superiority.
Peter in 1 Peter 5:5 tells us all, whatever age to clothe ourselves with humility towards one another, we must humble ourselves. Yes, the elders are to be shepherds, but they mustn’t lord it over others, and yes, younger must submit to their elders, but remember we are all to humble ourselves under God’s hands.
Micah gets very indignant too, he may have been a simple countryman, but he was a prophet of God and filled with the Holy Spirit, v 8. He denounces the wicked, the leaders were corrupt and rotten, he shows real heartbroken concern.
Where do we see unfairness today? Where are the present day Micahs? Preaching in the power of the Spirit against present inequalities and warning prophetically of disasters ahead.
Be alert, the devil is prowling round the world, what makes you cross today? Will you shout out against unfairness?

(Member of Christ Church knitting group)