20th Nov

1 Chronicles 15     Amos 9     James 2     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

James 2  ‘A Royal Welcome’
Our Father has chosen all sorts of people to be rich in faith and to inherit the Kingdom. We are wealthy heirs! (v5) We have been invited into the Royalty of heaven, even while we’re still on earth. We have access to our Father’s house, (Luke 15 v31) and therefore we need to be treating others in this way too, with a heavenly standard.
If we translate the first few verses of James 2 into modern day Church welcoming, we may see people who are: difficult to talk to, in a different margin of society to ourselves, wearing different clothes, even grumpy people! But still, we need to be welcoming these people with love, honour and high value. We may find it easier to talk to others, or to run to our friends, but can we challenge ourselves to find other times to catch up, and instead give our full and undivided attention to all who are new, on their own or yet to find God?
Even practical things go far: Would you like to come to lunch today? Or out for a drink with a few of us this evening? Come and meet so and so. There’s a seat over here, sit with me. Can we meet for coffee this week? Can I pray with you?
Are we giving those who step through the doors a ROYAL welcome? Let us let go of our niggling judgements (v4) and allow mercy to truly triumph. If we long for people to meet with Jesus, let’s provide a loving, family atmosphere so that all believe and know they are wanted and accepted in the Kingdom of God.

(member of the staff team)