July 22nd

John 5     Jeremiah 18     Acts 9     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

In Jeremiah 18 verses 7 to 12 the prophet talks about the importance of repentance that the people of Judah must come to. They must turn away from their evil, their fickle and unfaithful nature. In John 5 we see the second time Jesus shows his power to physically heal but in v14 we can see that Jesus says the eternal consequences of sin are more serious than any physical ailment.
The story of Saul’s conversion in Acts 9 links very closely to John 5. Saul’s astonishing conversion from murderer to follower of Christ shows the true power of God to heal the spiritually sick. No sin is too powerful for Jesus to conquer, even a murderous psychopath. We need to believe that Jesus can change even the most hardened hearts, like the people of Judah or Saul. He wants all to be in his Kingdom and part of his plan.
Take some time to think about when you first heard the truth of Jesus and believed; what areas of your life benefitted from the life giving power of Jesus?
Do you let God mould you into his likeness (like the clay in Jeremiah 18) and truly allow ourselves to be placed in his hands?
Think of one person you have met/or will meet today that you may have written off from ever becoming a follower of Jesus. They may openly persecute you like Saul before his conversion in Acts, the Jewish authorities in John, or perhaps more subtly with gossip and ridicule as with the Jews towards Saul after his conversion. Pray that the life Jesus has freely given to you will be shared with them.

(member of student team)