“May my lips overflow with praise.” Do your lips overflow with praise? Mine do
sometimes, but not as often as they should. I get up, I moan about the weather,
get resentful about my workload, spend all my day rushing from one thing to
another. Yet a closer look at Psalm 119 v171. tells us that this needn’t be the
case; it tells us what the word of God is, what it does for us, and how we
should work in the light of the word. In Jesus’ time, the first portion of
scripture children were taught was Psalm 119, that’s how important it is. But
for me, “stuff” gets in the way of God’s great promises. I take my eyes away
from the perfect love of Jesus------ and turn a blind eye to the abundance of
grace and good things of the world. Ps 119 tells me that ever increasing
knowledge of God will result in ever increasing praise. So, today, I will be
obedient to God, I will read my Bible, I will pray steadfastly. And when those
gripes and petty thoughts enter my head, I will move my lips to “overflow with
praise.” Today I will look at the beauty of the trees, the movement of the
clouds; I will thank God for the privilege of being a mother to my children;
for actually having a job when millions don’t. And most of all, I will keep
Jesus at my centre.
(member of a homegroup)