This Psalm is headed “a prayer for an afflicted man”. Whilst
reading it, I immediately started thinking about persecuted Christians around
the world – in particular about the plight of Christians in labour camps in North Korea
and the great difficulty of living the Christian life in that highly
authoritarian state. In the second part of the psalm, the afflicted man sees
that God is omnipotent and unchanging and that he does hear and answer prayers.
Verse 17 says “He will respond to the prayer of the destitute” and in verse 20,
He “hears the groans of the prisoners”. May I suggest that we make praying for
persecuted Christian a regular part of our prayer life – in particular praying
for specific people and issues within particular countries. Of course, there
are times when all of us feel downhearted and lonely (and perhaps persecuted).
We can take heart that God hears our prayers and, in His own time and in His own way, He will answer them.
(written by member of a homegroup)