Psalm 7
David wrote this Psalm in the face of Saul attempting to
take his life (Samuel 24:9-11). David, instead of striking back, asks God for
justice and sings praises even in the face of potential death. What a challenge to us! When we face
difficulty how do we respond? Next time you encounter trials remember
1. takes refuge in the Lord (v1)
2. asks God to judge him according to his righteousness
3. declares God Most High as his shield (v10)
4. praises the Lord (v17)
Psalm 8
What an amazing psalm of praise – declaring Gods glory and
the beauty of creation. Spend time today reflecting on God’s creation and
praising him for it.
Reflect also on the awesome truth that despite how small
we are in the universe God cares for, loves and cherishes us. In response write
your own psalm of praise to God.
(member of a mums’