Moses is called by God from
within the burning bush and given the enormous but very clearly laid out task
to lead the Israelites out of Egypt .
Despite Moses’ initial reluctance we know that he will ultimately fulfill his
role in God’s plan, all the way supported by God.
Zophar, prompted as he says
himself, by his troubled mind and guided by his own understanding, feels called
to berate Job about human suffering being proof of God’s anger towards them.
Displaying false piety with a judgmental attitude, the result of his speech is
additional distress and suffering for Job, rather than consolation or support.
In Luke 6 we read how Jesus
chooses the twelve apostles from his disciples after spending the night praying
to God. He makes his decision after evidently extensively consulting with God
to ensure God’s will is done and to fulfill his ultimate purpose.
How do we respond to God’s
calling? How do we discern what is our own fallible reasoning and what is a
true calling or true wisdom from God? Are our decisions
steeped in prayer?
Lord, give us
discernment to seek and follow your calling for us and to do your will, rather
than to rely on our own understanding. Amen.
(homegroup member)