Feb 11th

Genesis 44     Job 10     Romans 14     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Do I look down on people who have a narrower view of what is right and wrong than mine?   Do I judge any Christians who do things that I don’t think are right for me?   Isn’t it great that God is their master and the Lord is able to ‘make them stand’?   We must be fully convinced in our own mind what God does or doesn’t want us to do.  

It is so much easier to pass judgement than to make up our minds not to be a stumbling-block to others.   Am I ready to give an account of myself to God?   Does that make me feel like Job in chapter 10?  

He tells God of his sense of hopelessness and helplessness when confronted by undeserved problems, critical friends and an apparently unresponsive God.   If you feel like that, cling to the promises we’ve read this week.   Christ died for you and returned to life to be your Lord.   God is able to make you stand.  

Judah’s actions {Gen 44} showed that his heart was changing.  

Paul challenges us to make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual up-building.   Do righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit characterise my service of Christ?

(member of the prayer ministry team)