Jan 13th

Genesis 14     Nehemiah 3     Matthew 13     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

Matthew 13 v1-9
This parable of the sower is probably very familiar to you. Is it possible to read it again today and to hear afresh a warning or encouragement from God?
What is the nature of the seed?

It is not made by the sower, nor is it something the sower does. The seed is the word of God, and as Jesus explains to the disciples, the growth of the plant mirrors a response to hearing a message spoken. The sower does not seem to target only the good soil - perhaps from outward appearance he cannot tell the state of the soil. He distributes the seed liberally. Every farmer knows that some of his seed will be lost - but this does not discourage him or stop him sowing. Do we hold back, keeping the seed in our pocket, waiting for the perfect moment, the ideal patch of soil?
What is the state of your soil?

The garden of our souls is probably a mixture of all four types of soil - some areas more productive than others. Gods' desire is to see a great yield from our lives - where do we need his help to prepare the ground?

(Men's Ministry Leadership Member)