June 3rd

Deuteronomy 7     Isaiah 35     Psalms 90     (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)

The Highway of Holiness
Following the prophesies of judgment in Isaiah 35 the prophet paints a beautiful picture of the future blessings that await God’s redeemed people.
Those who love football may remember that ‘Wembley Way’ was the road way to the stadium for those who had tickets to the football matches at Wembley. In ancient times there were specially designated roads between temples that only to those who were ceremonially clean could use. In v8 of chapter 35 Isaiah introduces the ‘highway of holiness’. The picture is of a very special highway, made by God for his people, and built up away from the pressures and dangers of the world. The ‘unclean’ will not journey on it, the highway is ‘for those who walk in that way’
Roy Hessian’s little book The Calvary Road, very simply outlines that the way to walk on the Highway of Holiness  is through surrendering our lives to the Lord

He writes ‘So this is the Highway life. It is no new astounding doctrine. It is not something new for us to preach. It is quite unspectacular. It is just a life to live day by day in whatever circumstances the Lord has put us. It does not contradict what we may have read or heard about the Christian life. It just puts into simple pictorial language the great truths of sanctification. To start to live this life now will mean revival in our lives. To continue to live it will be revival continued. Revival is just you and I walking along the Highway in complete oneness with the Lord Jesus and with one another, with cups continually cleansed and overflowing with the life and love of God’.

Today let us surrender our thoughts and our actions and our motives and our relationships, to the Lord and choose to walk on the Highway of Holiness.

(husband and wife)