Deuteronomy 5
We are all familiar, at least to
some extent, with the Ten Commandments. “Thou shalt not…” has become something
of a cliché to be applied to a particular image of God and those who follow
him. Yet it is surprising how many of the Ten Commandments would stand up
today. God has written his law not just on tablets of stone but also on our
hearts. There are very few people in the world who would argue that murder is
acceptable. Few, even would seek to justify theft (except maybe copyright
infringement!). Adultery and lying are also taught to be wrong for the most
In the 21st century we
seem to struggle more with the other commandments. In our society is it almost
encouraged to covet those things which belong to others. We are encouraged to
want a bigger house; a better car, more consumables and we look, often enviously,
at those who have more than we do. The mother-in-law is the object of many a
joke and somewhere in our culture of rights rather than responsibilities we
have lost a definition of honouring our parents. The Lord’s name seems more
frequently to be used as a swear word than for any other purpose and we create
idols for ourselves in buildings, economic systems, political institutions, sex
and power. These things may always have been true to some extent but in these
days they stare us in the face.
God’s desire is for holiness so
that we may share relationship with him, a holy God. Take some time today to
repent of anything the Lord is challenging you about from these commandments.
Also take some time to pray for our nation that we may know the grace of God in
Christ and turn to him.
(written by a member or
Christ Church Clifton congregation reading the Bible in a year. Reflections from members and friends of the church.

June 1st
Deuteronomy 5 Isaiah 33 Psalms 88 (Click on the Reference to go to the passage)